My Kitchen Rules Delivers a Huge 2020 Update

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It’s a brand-new year, and that means that it’s time for a new schedule of exciting television for today’s entertainment lovers.

MasterChef Australia has just announced its new hosts for the latest season, and would-be chefs are gearing up for a unique selection of fantastic cooking shows to watch.

My Kitchen Rules is also seeing a significant update in 2020. The new series, titled My Kitchen Rules: The Rivals, will shake up the experience that people have come to know and love on the popular TV show. The judges, who include Pete Evans, Colin Fassnidge, and Manu Fiedel, will be facing off against each other, joining contenders in the fight to be the best.

A New Style of My Kitchen Rules

This show is unlike anything else that the My Kitchen Rules team has attempted before.

The judges will be competing against each other, previous champions will take on contenders, and houses will battle it out to see who comes out tops.

The new version of the show aims to up the ante by requiring judges to battle it out and prove themselves. The audience will also be encouraged to root for their chosen house. Manu has already claimed that he’s keen to “Kick Colin’s butt.” He says that he’ll do “anything to win.”

My Kitchen Rules: The Rivals comes to Channel Seven in 2020.

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